Fast & Efficient

EZ Pte Ltd offers a different range of loans to cater to my different financial needs. Their competitive rates are attractive and the loan application and agreement process were fast. I must say that they are really effective and quick to deliver.

– Linda Wong

Solution Provider

EZ Moneylender provides me repayment plan that suits my financial budgets. In addition, they are very helpful and kind to answer any inquiries that i have. Highly recommeded licensed moneylender.

– Terence Ong

Friendly and Professional

I get a reminder message from them for my loan is due, which is a great idea! They ensure that I do not pay the late fees. Great service!

– Zafar

High Integrity

Outstanding licensed moneylender. Simple, fast, helpful, and very efficient. Their staffs were very helpful and made complicated issues simple to me.

– Kumar

Competive Rate

Out of the many loans option, EZ Money provides one of the lowest  rates. In addition, their staffs are very friendly and professional at the same time. When I need to loan money, I am more than comfortable going back to them again.

– Richard Lee


The staff at EZ money lender are well versed and prepared to answer all of my doubts regarding their loans and repayment options. They also helped me to understand the full breakdown of available options for me to consider and gave me confidence in making my own decision.

– Edward Fung

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